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Banners, Billboards, Guerrilla Marketing, Trade Show Displays, In-Store Displays, Vehicle Wraps… Marketing collateral is all around us, all day long, both onlineand in the flesh. How do you get your name and identity on the “big screen”? Simple: Choose Boldwerks.

Billboard Advertising

Want to stand out BIG? Purchase a billboard. But only if you’re ready for that type of exposure… This isn’t something to take lightly. It’s a large investment that WILL generate a large return. It’s not for everyone but if it’s something you’re thinking about, we can supply it. Our main concern is for the general public… We hope we’re not ultimately responsible for causing too many accidents amongst passers-by. However, wouldn’t that be a sign of success?

Point of Sale
(Posters, Banners, Flyers, Handbills, Apparel)

Most companies have done all this at one time or another. Have an event coming up? Why not hand out eye-catching t-shirts that people will wear again? Need to promote a non-profit event your company has coming up? Create monster-sized posters in your office to turn your visitors’ heads. Impact, impact, impact… This is what we continue to talk about here at Boldwerks. If the work doesn’t create an impact, it’s not Boldwerks quality.

Vehicle Wraps

This doesn’t come up nearly as often as we’d like. We love vehicles and we have a great time “pimping” your ride. Remember the Red Bull truck? Remember what it looks like? If you don’t, it means you haven’t seen it on the road. It’s something you won’t forget. Remember when we were talking about impact earlier? That’s exactly what this is for…

Billboard Advertising
See a Few Examples in Action
  • I cannot say enough about Boldwerks as partners in our business and in our plans.

    -Kathryn “Kit” Soave-Bailey Fight It Out

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