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By adminBold // Published on May 25, 2010

It’s up and running! Boldwerks has made OmVed a brand new web site, that is “truly beautiful” (Priti Mehta, Omved’s CEO.)Omved specializes in products that promote natural living, based on Vedic science that’s over 5,000 years old. OmVed’s products are all natural, handcrafted, fair trade, good for the planet, and packaging makes women say “Ooooh, pretty!”We started Boldwerks in 2009 when we got tired of working for The Man. We thought about trying to become The Man, but The Man rarely likes what he does, and we love what we…

By adminBold // Published on Feb 20, 2010

I was recently asked to give some business advice. I thought about it for quite a while – first of all, I’m not that old, so I haven’t accumulated much wisdom worth sharing. But I have opinions, so I could find something to say. What, then, could I suggest that is unique and has real value?Then it hit me – entrepreneurs, for the most part, don’t exercise enough. We’re all bogged down in our daily routines, we push aside our own time for our businesses, and  we let other things…

Tagged Under: Business Advice + Obscure Fun
By adminBold // Published on

Building a car is a complex process with a large number of variables to incorporate, foremost amongst those is following safety guidelines and ensuring the vehicle protects passengers. Safety isn’t a box that’s put in the car after it’s built, or something to worry about on the assembly floor but not in the design studio. Safety is a core element of any car and, as such, must be considered at every stage of the process: planning, design, assembly, testing, and even marketing. (Forgive my gross simplification of the automobile industry,…

Tagged Under: Business Advice
"There is only one class in the community that thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor. The poor can think of nothing else. That is the misery of being poor. "
- Oscar Wilde

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