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By Chris Hislop // Published on Jan 01, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

From where I’m sitting, 2014 was a fantastic year from a creative content standpoint. 2015 looks like it will build on the successes of the year that has passed, and, like everything in life, new lessons will be learned, best practices will be tested, and new means of creating fresh content will be introduced as we continue to move forward.

So, for the year that has parted, and the year that is fresh and ready to unfold, I’d like to pitch a question in regards to great content, and the ever-expansive act of building (and maintaining) your audience.

That question:

What are you doing to market the content that you’re either:

  • a) creating


  • b) having someone create for you?

It’s an important thought, and one that should be a part of your conscious New Year business resolution thoughts.

We’ve heard it an infinite amount of times: Content is king. That’s all fine and well, and, I truly believe in the sentiment. BUT, if that creative content isn’t enabled to permeate from the depths of the king’s throne, who is consuming it? Isn’t it moot, if it’s just sitting there, immobile, and collecting more dust than potential bits of active engagement?

Never assume that your audience is checking back in with your business just “for the heck of it.” Let’s face it, people are busy. The chances that they’re just casually visiting, say, your website to see what you’ve been up to is essentially slim-to-none (more than likely it’s the “none” piece of the equation there…)

You have to continually earn those visits. You have to have a marketing plan in place to market your marketing. That may seem convoluted, but it’s true. It starts with engaging content, and earns its legs when that engaging content is marketed out to your target audience, which from there you hope takes on a life of its own.

So in essence: Sharing is king. That king – the messenger – earns its following if what is shared is truly great. And if it isn’t, well, like other poor kings, people will simply lose trust in the proposed messaging, and look for other outlets to spend their time, energy, and resources.

To take it step further, sharing isn’t as easy as simply throwing it up in the air and hoping people will pounce and peck to pick up what you’re tossing out there. Unless of course it’s a stack of hundred dollar bills…

Sharing is hard.

BUT, it gets easier as you become a trusted resource.

So, I’ll ask again: What are you doing to market the content you’re putting together in hope that it expands your business in some capacity?

  • Are you being creative? Who likes bland and run-of-the-mill? Quick answer: no one.
  • Are you utilizing social media?
  • Are you writing and maintaining a blog?
  • Are you getting involved in discussion/networking groups both digitally, and, heck, in that thing called “real-life”?
  • Are you establishing yourself as a thought leader in your respective industry?
  • Are you sending out informative email to your network that isn’t spam? They want to hear from you if you’re sending good stuff, and if they haven’t “unsubscribed,” then you’re on the right track…
  • Are you thinking about microsites that push a branch of your business in a more creative way?
  • Are you consciously thinking about what you’re doing for advertising (digital, physical, or otherwise)?
  • Is there a dude in a lobster suit standing outside your office pointing traffic into the lot? Don’t do this. This is an attempt at humor… Unless of course, you’re selling lobster rolls (with a side of good conversation).
  • Are you engaging with your audience in a way that entices THEM to share your content in their own respected networks? This is an important one…
  • Are you inviting people to get an inside look at your operation and making them feel like they’re an important part of the process? (Think webinars, social events, etc.)

These are only a few examples. The long and short of it is: Your content doesn’t market itself.

With the New Year in front of us, take a moment to reflect on what you’ve done well, and what you could improve upon.

Amendment: Reflection is king. It’s important to engage, learn, and expound upon lessons from the past to keep that forward track moving forward. Even if you’re a wildly successful business, it’s important to not lose sight of how you built that success. Stagnation is a silent killer. Reflect often. Expiration dates are abound, but with tactful thinking practice in place, can be avoided.

As always, if you’re in need of any help regarding your creative marketing needs, or, would just like a friendly being to bounce conversation (and reflection) off of, I’m at your disposal. My office door is ALWAYS open. Literally.

Happy New Year from myself and the rest of us here at the Boldwerks HQ. Take a step back, reflect, plot your course, draw in a deep a breath, and let’s get at this thing – here’s to 2015. 

Tagged Under - Business Advice + Marketing
"Making a difference is not easy. But the price of indifference is too great not to try."
- Kay Whitmore

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